Saturday, May 24, 2014

21 Days, Part II

(Via Maglio Produce)
Hello, everyone!

     This is just a quick update to let you know how the 21 Day Challenge is going, and also to extend another invitation for you to join the fun! It's never too late to start your own challenge. Whenever you begin, though, I would highly recommend enlisting a group to join you.

     Working with a friend or an online community is so helpful. In fact, I would have quit on the very first day if not for my partners (yes, I am that weak-willed). Yet because I knew that backing out would be letting them down also, I was obliged to continue. The importance of accountability cannot be overstressed.

      What a blessing this experience has been, too. It is so refreshing to start building good habits. Although the process has been trying at times, positive change is already evident in my daily life. The prognosis is good, my friends.

      If you have already begun to construct your own healthy habits, we would be delighted to hear your stories! Please feel free to share your observations in the comments below and, if you have a blog, please post a link. If you do not have one yet, why not consider starting one to log your progress?

     Still wondering whether the challenge is right for you? Then please let me encourage you to pick one or two small, daily changes you'd like to make and then jump right in to it. As a fellow procrastinator, I know that it can be difficult to commit to action. I also know, though, that we'll never get anything done unless we start right now.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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